Sequencing: Why it’s So Critical
The ability to put things into sequential order is an extremely important precursor to organizing thoughts, retelling stories, following directions, reading comprehension, problem-solving, and so much more. It is a vital common core standard from as early as Kindergarten, primarily because it will prepare students for future academic success. The sooner children are exposed to, and able to demonstrate mastery of sequencing, the better equipped they are for higher level critical thinking. From putting numbers in order, alphabetizing words, recognizing a pattern, following directions, and even following a schedule, students are taught to sequence in EVERY subject.
The Speech Language Pathologist’s Perspective on Sequencing
As a Speech Language Pathologist, I work with students daily on organizing their thoughts for more effective communication. A large part of thought organization involves being able to mentally put your ideas in order before speaking to effectively get your point across in a logical way that can easily be understood by your communication partner. I find that my youngest scholars are most successful when they are presented with a visual that they are able to manipulate as they learn this vital skill. Physically interacting with the content and moving pictures around allows them to visually see and better comprehend this concept. As they progress towards being able to visually sequence an event or story the goal is to graduate to fading the visual supports. Ultimately independence without the need for verbal or visual cues indicates progression towards mastery.
Presenting my students with picture cards for them to organize was very feasible as a face to face therapists however, now that I’m working as a teletherapist (a service delivery model that allows Speech Language Pathologists to deliver therapy services remotely via the computer) gone are the days of tangible picture cards. I love technology and embrace it with open arms as I have witnessed firsthand the enthusiasm and growth in my students when we are learning via a digital platform. I have been very busy searching for and creating resources that capture my students’ attention to keep them engaged.
Boom Cards™: Revolutionizing Sequencing Education
Boom Cards™ have been a HUGE hit with my students. I absolutely love the ease of use, interactive nature, and self-grading features of these digital task cards. What I love most about them is that the cards I have created can easily be differentiated for use with ALL of my students. Regardless of their skill level my Boom Cards are intentionally differentiated for maximal integration. If you haven’t heard of Boom Cards™ yet, you certainly need to learn more about why they are a must-have in your SLP toolbox. To learn more, read my blog post on why I LOVE them by clicking HERE. With my lowest scholars, I can verbally provide them with increased cues or repetitions as necessary. The level of cueing can easily be scaled back to provide less guidance as they gain independence.
I have started a series of Sequencing and Story Retell Boom Cards. They are seasonal and timely to keep my students motivated and engaged all year long!
These cards include four complete short stories in each unit. Also included are multiple choice comprehension questions (to address story elements and answering “wh” questions). The interactive digital picture cards allow students to sequence by dragging and dropping directly on the screen. I have also included visual cue cards with transition words. These visuals will aid in story retell. It also includes an introduction to using context clues to address vocabulary by defining unfamiliar words.
Why Boom Cards™ Are Essential for SLPs
My students have been very motivated by these lessons. They are so excited to manipulate the content directly on the screen. I have found that I get the best outcomes from my students when they can interact with the material. They are not only engaged and enthused to actively participate, but they don’t require outside reinforcement to attend to the task. Therefore, I can maximize my time for increased trials. They enjoy the ability to point and click their answer choices for immediate feedback. I really appreciate the fact that the Boom Cards are self-grading! This saves me a substantial amount of time with data collection and progress monitoring.
Upcoming Sequencing and Story Retell Units
I currently have a Fall and Winter themed unit available for purchase. I will be releasing a Spring and Summer Sequencing and Story Retell unit very soon. To find more of my digital interactive lessons, please visit my digital resource store HERE.
BVG SLP is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Boom Learning℠. Both Boom Learning℠ and Boom Cards™ are registered trademarks of Boom Learning, Inc. Logo and names used with permission.
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