This week’s teletherapy tip will focus on YOU. Yes, that’s right, I want to speak directly to YOU and hopefully encourage you to step out of your comfort zone in 2021 and GO FOR IT! This is in response to the numerous questions that I receive regularly regarding:
- Starting in teletherapy
- Starting a TPT store
- Creating Boom Cards
- Writing/publishing a children’s book
- Starting a blog
- Selling digital resources directly from your own website
My response has always been to GO FOR IT!
Don’t wait for the “perfect time” or when you feel you have it “all together”. The reality is, there is no magical time to start and there certainly is not a secret formula to know when to pursue your dreams. Make this year the year that you take control and start on a journey that could ultimately change your life for the better and offer you the level of freedom that you desire…and deserve!

Pursue your dreams!
I started on this BVG SLP journey four years ago and I certainly did not have all the answers then and I still don’t have all of the answers now. However, I’m ALWAYS happy to share what I have learned along the way in hopes that it will inspire others. I am a work in progress and a lifelong learner.
Starting My Journey
I want to share my story with you because I never imagined that creating what I needed for my students would or could grow into the business that it has grown into in such a short period of time. This journey has been incredible thus far and has truly opened so many doors and provided opportunities that I am excited about and I am looking forward to what is still to come.
A little back story on me – I’ve been an SLP for over 13 years and this was actually a career change. My undergrad is in Psychology and I worked in the corporate world for 5 years. I ultimately worked my way up to an Account Manager for an insurance consulting firm before going back to grad school. Fresh out of grad school, I started working on the medical side of the profession with adult clients in SNFs, ALFs, and doing Home Health. I really enjoyed working with adults but after the birth of my third child I transitioned into the schools to be on the same schedule as my kiddos.
After six years on the medical side of the field the school setting was a HUGE eye opener. The caseload sizes were very shocking and workload expectations. I had 80+ students on my caseload when I started in the public schools and was split between two schools (a middle school and an elementary school). I knew there HAD to be a better way.
The Road to Teletherapy
At that point, I had heard about teletherapy but honestly wasn’t convinced that it was the right fit for me either. Keep in mind, this was five years ago and telepractice was not widely embraced. I took a risk and tried teletherapy. Providing services via this service delivery model was VERY pleasantly surprised. I LOVED the fact that my caseload was smaller, I worked with students either 1:1 or 2:1 and most importantly, I was seeing increased gains in my students in a shorter amount of time. WIN-WIN-WIN!!!
So many SLPs have had to become teletherapist overnight and hats off to you for stepping into this new role and handling the situation like bosses! For those of you who have reached out about the fact that you are enjoying teletherapy as a service delivery model and are considering continuing with it, be sure to check out my numerous blog posts about the things I wish I had known before I started or which companies to consider working for.
In the early phases of working as a teletherapist, I quickly realized when searching for materials, there was not a lot available that was specifically designed for use in teletherapy. Again, keep in mind that this was five years ago (due to the pandemic and the abrupt transition to teletherapy and distance learning for almost everyone across the globe, digital materials have become VERY popular). I started creating what I needed for my students, never intending to sell my resources. At that time, I just wanted resources that were digital, diverse and representative. It was my sister, who has been a teacher for almost 30 years, who made me think that I could create a store on Teachers Pay Teachers and sell my materials.
Starting on TPT or Boom Learning
In Oct 2016, I went for it, I opened my TPT store. The next year I discovered Boom Cards and started a Boom Learning store, and now I also sell directly on my website. I would not be writing this post today had I waited and not took a risk. Starting my store when I did was a blessing on so many levels. I’m sharing this with you because the biggest thing I want you to take away is, don’t be afraid to take a risk. As cliché as this may sound, it is SO VERY TRUE.
Stepping out of my comfort zone is how I started to see growth. I will be totally honest with you and say that putting yourself out there, especially for someone like myself who is a private person and very reserved, is not easy. I have learned that in order to see continuous growth staying out of the comfort zone is required. Once you step out and do something you never imagined yourself doing, it does make you feel great!
Opportunities Arise
Since starting on this journey four years ago, I have been invited to present at a hands-on lab for the ASHA Convention in 2019. I have been invited to present at webinars, including two for Teachers Pay Teachers and one for Boom Learning. MedBridge invited me to write guest blog posts about teletherapy for their blog. Teachers Pay Teachers and Boom Learning both republished a few of my personal blog posts. What really blows my mind is that my resources are being used all over the world. My blog is also visited by thousands of people every month.
The message I want to convey is that if I can do it, so can YOU! I cannot stress enough how important it is to take that first step towards turning your passion into your profession. I have tapped into a passion for writing and creating digital resources that has evolved into a business. This small business has been a game changer for me and my family. It does NOT feel like work because I absolutely LOVE it.
Turn Your Passion into Your Profession!
Don’t hesitate to follow your passions, pursue your dreams, and create something that will bring you JOY. Ask yourself, what are you passionate about? What excites you? Next, explore your WHY – why would pursuing your passion bring you JOY. Initially for me, the small picture was creating diverse resources for my students. The big picture has evolved into sharing those resources with others. The even bigger picture has grown into establishing a business that has ultimately led to increased independence and a greater potential for more personal and professional growth.
Once you have determined your what and your why, move forward with the HOW. This is the step that will take the most time because you absolutely need to do your research. If it is a TPT store that you are planning to start, TPT has a great TPT University that is full of useful tips, tools, videos, and guides to help you learn the process. If you want to start creating Boom Cards, Boom Learning offers a complete series of YouTube videos. Their videos will explain exactly how to navigate the tools and create your first deck. Visit their Boom School YouTube channel to learn more.
If you are already selling on TPT and/or Boom Learning and want to take the next step towards selling direct, research WooCommerce. Take the time to watch their videos that explain how to integrate an online store into your website. Be sure to consult with an accountant about taxation and possibly incorporating your business. My husband and I already had a small private practice when I started BVG SLP. We were already established as a Limited Liability Corporation which made things slightly easier. Do what works best for YOU and ask questions of a trained, licensed accountant before selling direct. This will save you headaches down the road to ensure that you are going about it the right way.
Writing and Publishing Children’s Books
If writing and publishing your first book is a goal for 2021, research the advantages of self-publishing. Compare this to shopping your book around to larger publication firms. Both options have pros and cons. The three books that I have written were all self-published and this is the process that worked best for ME. Self-publication gives me complete control over my intellectual property. It allows me to create additional digital resources to accompany my books without the need to gain permission.
This was important to me. I have book companions and other digital resources that feature my main characters from my books. The downside to self-publication is the marketing aspect of getting your book seen by a broader audience. For me personally, the pros of self-publication outweigh the cons based on the direction I plan to go long-term. I have big plans for my books and the characters down the road. Again, do your research and determine the best course of action for YOU.
The Road to Blogging
Maybe starting a blog has been on your mind. The first step here is to get your website up and running. There are so many options available for do-it-yourself websites and blogs. A simple Google search will identify several of the most popular options. I didn’t start my blog until I had been selling on TPT for awhile. My plan was to get a feel for the market first. It was also important for me to learn more about digital resources and teletherapy before sharing my experiences.
Because I waited a bit, I had a particular look and feel that I envisioned for my website. I knew I could not do on my own, so I did hire a professional for help. BlueHost had a team of designers and they were extremely helpful in bringing my vision to life. Unfortunately, they no longer have their design team. They do still offer a wide range of useful tools to help you get started. If you search for web designers there are so many experts to choose from. Do your research by looking at their portfolios and reading reviews. This will be a great way to narrow down your search.
YES, You Can
Whatever it is that you have dreamed of doing or thought about starting, I say again, “GO FOR IT”! I hope this post will help to inspire you to know that YES, YOU CAN DO IT! This is your time to SHINE! The initial phases will seem daunting at first, but TRUST the process. Work hard at your passion and know that you have something worth sharing with the world. Make 2021 the year that you take that first step towards making it happen.
The most rewarding part of this entire journey has been connecting with so many incredible people. My blog and newsletter subscription list have both been great assets. I love to help and answering your questions is something I look forward to doing. The inspiration for most of my blog posts come from frequently asked questions that I receive from so many of you. I truly want to continue to provide value to you through my posts and YouTube tutorial videos, so please keep your questions coming. I’m always happy to help!
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the content of this and all previous/future blog posts are for informational purposes only. Be sure to abide by and follow your company’s policies and procedures. The information contained within are tips that have worked well for me in my therapy/teletherapy room.
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