ANIMATED WHO Questions for GOOGLE SLIDES – Teaching students to effectively and consistently ASK and ANSWER questions can be a challenge. This comprehensive guide is FULL of opportunities to ensure students understand how to ANSWER and ASK WHO questions. It includes over 60 slides of ANIMATED engaging content. This is great for explicit instruction, additional reinforcement, homework, and progress monitoring.
There are three distinct, differentiated sections to address:
- ANSWERING Who Questions
- ASKING Who Questions
- PLUS an OPEN-ENDED level for continued reinforcement.
This is great for a blended learning approach during face to face instruction, remote/distance learning and teletherapy sessions, or it could be assigned for independent practice and homework.
The ANIMATED GIFs makes it even more engaging to keep students motivated throughout. In addition to addressing answering and asking questions, it also reinforces the correct use of prepositions, use of complete sentences, vocabulary, correct form, and MORE.
This lesson includes a total of 60+ full-color slides. It displays nicely on Smartboards for whole group instruction, computers, tablets/iPads for small group and 1:1 individual learning, and speech teletherapy, telepractice (via Site/Screen Share) platforms for interactive remote sessions. It is full color and intended for digital use. However, if you prefer, it could be printed for a fun interactive tabletop activity.
Using resources for Google Drive is a great addition to your toolbox. They work great for a wide range of settings and help students engaged. Whether you work face to face or remotely via teletherapy/distance learning, incorporating digital resources will save you time and money. With this Animated WHO Questions lesson, there are endless possibilities. The open-ended nature puts you in the driver seat to focus on what your students need most. Spend less time prepping and more time treating. Just project or grab your devices and GO!
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